Saturday, July 3, 2010


Reputation Management is the response to reputation damaging information. Bad postings, negative feedback in blogs, horrible testimonials in popular forums, unrealistic scam allegations, and product reviews from false users can potentially put a company out of business and its Reputation Management.
Reputation management is the process of tracking an entity's actions and other entities' opinions about those actions; reporting on those actions and opinions; and reacting to that report creating a feedback loop. All entities involved are generally people, but that need not always be the case. Other examples of entities include animals, businesses, or even locations or materials. The tracking and reporting may range from word-of-mouth to statistical analysis of thousands of data points.
Search Reputation Management
Reputation has always been the linchpin of business: it is the face of a business, the reason why people do or do not buy their products or engage their services. The internet adds a whole new dimension to this issue. Consumers now use the internet to research products, find suppliers, and leave customer reviews. If your company does not have a solid internet reputation, there are always more businesses from which they can choose. Search reputation management, therefore, is increasingly important in today's business world.

Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM):
Search Engine Reputation Management involves both social media marketing and social media optimization. Unhappy consumers, political groups, competitors and disgruntled employees may have an interest in posting negative information about your company. We take control of search engine results employing optimization as well as marketing to manage and control damaged identities and reputations on the Internet.
Social Media Marketing (SMM):
Social Media Marketing (SMM) uses social networks to place your brand, product or service in front of the the networking community. Social Media Marketing is a term that describes the act of using social networks, online communities, blogs, wikis or any other collaborative Internet form of media for marketing, sales, public relations and customer service.

Social Media Marketing is important in maximizing positive references, creating online identities and solving online reputation problems. Goals for Social Media Marketing include building a brand, brand management, building up reputation, causing media coverage, and driving traffic to physical business locations. Organizations such as non-profits and political parties also use Social Media Marketing to promote ideas.

Online Identity Management (OIM):
Our Online Identity Management (OIM) service offers all necessary aspects needed to fulfill a successful, ongoing identity management campaign. Starting with strategy creation to implementation through reporting and measurement, our solutions encompass the needs of any online identity management campaign. Online identity management (OIM) is a set of methods for generating a distinguished presence of a person on the Internet. That presence could be reflected in any kind of content that refers to the person.

Social Media Optimization (SMO):
One aspect of Reputation Management and Personal Branding is Social Media Optimization (SMO). This is a set of methods used to improve (or reduce) the position of a website in internet search engines. The quality of a lead you receive through organic search engine placement is very high. When someone searches for your keyword(s) and finds your site, there is an excellent possibility they are a rock-solid lead. Organic placement through Social Media Optimization is beneficial both for your Company and your bottom line.

Online Reputation Management (ORM):
Online Reputation Management (ORM) involves managing your search engine results on the web. Protecting your online brand is more important then ever as buying decisions are decided by what is found on the World Wide Web.

Online Reputation Management (ORM) involves both marketing and public relations along with search engine marketing. Visibility and high search engine indexing with good publicity which displaces negative publicity is the goal. This results in a increase in positive web presence, helping you own top spots in search engine rankings. Online Reputation Management enables you to protect and manage your reputation and brand becoming actively involved in the outcome of search engine results. Reputation Monitoring research and analysis may also be considered Online Reputation Management.

Personal Branding:
Personal branding is the process by which people and their careers are marked as brands. Also known as online image management is a set of methods for generating a respectable presence of a person on the Internet. That presence could be reflecd in any kind of content that refers to the person, including participation in blogs, personal web sites, social media, pictures or video.

Brand Reputation Management:
Brand Reputation Management is the application of marketing techniques to a specific product, product line, or brand. It seeks to increase the product’s perceived reputation value to the customer and thereby increase brand franchise and brand equity. Traditional media, social media, blogs, forums and other groups can leave you vulnerable if you are not involved.

Design and Maintenance:
We offer remarkable Web 2.0 products with well crafted strategies. Products that are extremely powerful and yet have a User Interface which is easy and simple to use. Web 2.0 Website Design, Web 2.0 Programming, Internet Marketing and Maintenance. We strive hard to accurately represent your values, mission and character with strategic thinking, personal attention and competitive prices.

Reputation Management Monitoring Services:
We offer Comprehensive, Automated Reputation Management Monitoring Products for our SERM clients. Learn who is talking about you, your brand, company or products on websites, videos, news, blogs and social networks.

Reputation Management Performance Reports
We generate Reputation Management performance reports. We track Google, Yahoo, and MSN. We can also track Ask, AOL, or any other major search engine.
Optional Services
For custom strategies involving Link building, Pay Per Click, Viral Marketing, Social Media, Reputation Management, Video, Article, Newsletter, Press Release creation and implementation: Please contact us and we will provide you with a package tailored to your needs.
Reputation Management Monitoring Services
We offer Comprehensive, Automated Reputation Management Monitoring for Clients. Learn who is talking about you, your brand, company or products on websites, videos, news, blogs and social networks.
Impact on Business
Consumers often search the Internet for opinions and experiences with products and services. You can face a difficult conflict when attempting to remove negative reports on the Internet where disgruntled employees and customers take their grievances to the public. How do you defend your reputation from this negative publicity?
Negative Posting Removal
We can assist you to remove negative ad reports from first page search engine results.
Negative Posting Prevention
If your Company needs assistance with bad publicity prevention we can help.
Annoying Complaints
Possibly you recently found negative publicity from a review website in search engine results. It is difficult to measure the impact from customer complaint sites but there are losses as a result of such sites. While the complaint sites may only be a nuisance to large corporations, they can be devastating to smaller companies.
Consumer Complaint Sites
The greater part of complaint sites are consumer complaint sites. These sites usually collect stories of bad customer service or a deficient product. The list of these sites is growing.
Competitor Complaints
Some complaint sites may be run by a competing company or its employees.
Other Sites
In addition to disgruntled employees and consumers, companies may face Internet sites backed by environmental or other activist groups seeking to promote their political causes. There are many examples of these types of Web sites.
Power of the Web
Much to the annoyance of company administrators, Internet complaint web sites have become the tool of choice for irritated customers, disgruntled employees, political activists and anyone else to air their bellyaches economically and effectively. Concealed by anonymity and powered by a worldwide audience, Internet complainers can impose chaos on your Company.
Reputation Management is Critical
Reputation Management is critical when considering fiscal implications. Reputation Management through analyzing and influencing search engine results, can prevent the loss of business or career and ensure ongoing success for you and your Company.

Retail & consumer challenges
• Corporate governance
The recent wave of business scandals and ethical lapses have heightened public, press, and investor scrutiny of companies, creating demand for a corporate culture of integrity-driven performance and a new corporate transparency. Management and Boards now feel compelled to ensure that proper governance processes are in place to protect corporate reputation, brand image and shareholder value. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ 8th Annual Global CEO Survey ( Dec 2004), 50% of retail industry CEOs believe there is a strong relationship among all elements of GRC ( governance, risk and compliance) and that effective governance can be a value driver and a benefit, versus a cost, to their companies.

Market value recognition

market valuation in the retail industry — Retailing & consumer Reporting in the 21st century — there has been a strong tendency to undervalue companies in the retail and consumer goods industry. One of the reasons is that intangibles, such as brand value and customer loyalty, have traditionally not been included as performance benchmarks. The widespread implementation of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), which will enable international, industry-specific comparisons, will likely have significant effects on the market value of retail and consumer companies.


Competitive pressures, especially the pressure on sales growth and profit margins, are encouraging companies of all types to pursue globalisation through M&A and industry consolidation. The availability of information technology and data capabilities have made serving and sourcing from global markets easier, thus permitting the adoption of new product and sales strategies, economic models and inventory management techniques to fuel growth. Consolidation, resulting in greater operational efficiencies and economies of scale, is shaping the retail industry and is seen as a way of strengthening one’s position in an industry with fewer, larger players.

Marketing effectiveness

Consumer packaged good (CPG) companies spend significant amounts on media advertising, trade promotions and other marketing expenses to raise consumer awareness, increase market share and revenues, and build a brand franchise with consumers. At the same time, retailers are extending their operations around the world, making their stores and their private label products increasingly visible to consumers.

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